The Powerduction 10R is designed to heat, unlock to enable removal of mechanical parts such as worn nuts and bolts in seconds. It is especially recommended in the automotive, agricultural, maintenance and metal construction.
- Instant heat without flame applied to a specific area, it can be used close to cables, pipes, or other heat sensitive objects avoiding the need to disassemble / remove them.
- Light weight: just 3.5 kg - 1.3 kg for the inductor alone.
- Ergonomic: shoulder strap provided
- Easy to use: uses a standard 230V single phase supply.
- Quick start: select and install the inductor, connect and go.
- 1200W output power with high duty cycle
- The range of 5 inductors allows to vary the heating applications: for a;ll types of shapes and access contraints.
- Changing the inductor is very easy by virtue of the simple wheel clamping system.
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